Yay!!! We made it to another blog post on life lately. Who else is as excited as I am? I legit thought that it will take forever getting here, seeing that I have been looking forward to another “Life Lately” post after I wrote the very first one and I know that I have not been putting up steady blog post as I would love even though I have been curating content on the side… I promise to do better even as I battle with laziness and lack of motivation.
I’m not sure there are a lot of updates to give at this time, I mean my life lately has been the mixture of both exciting and boring. Anyway, I promise to cover as much as I can but you guys have to promise to leave me a comment telling me at least one thing that has been going on in your life lately.
Okay, let’s dive in 😁😁
So, if you have been following the life lately post from the beginning, I talked about leaving my job, attending a digital marketing training and starting another job on my first life lately post. However, what I did not mention was that the job I started in September of 2018 was an internship, an internship that I was hoping will be renewed so that I could move on to become a full staff but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
I concluded my internship in December and then had to begin the journey of applying for jobs… if there’s one thing I hate is not having something to do, something that can legit be paying the bills. So, I guess it’s okay to say that at this point I was a little bit frustrated.
Anyway, by January I had started going for a couple of interviews and sometimes it would look promising only to get a rejection letter in my mail… not to bore you with the details, the job offers started coming in February and by March I had close 5 offers. Is God not faithful?
One of my articles got featured on a friend's blog in Italy and it was the Bomb!!! The feedback I got from it has been overwhelming and heartwarming. I had fun writing the piece as usual but it was something different than I have ever written before. I remember feeling stuck for weeks, mehn! the writer's block was not of this world but it came out on top.
Do check it out here, if you're yet to read it.
I just sincerely think it will be nice to tick this box but as it turned out this box is not ready to be ticked yet. I just wish people will let me be if you can’t introduce me to a rich billionaire or a prince then the least you can do is let Yinka’s love life be. The other day, my parent sat me down one early morning to ask if I was seeing someone and know how they could direct their prayers. OMG! I almost burst out laughing, there have been times when I was still a teenager and even when I was in university that my dad will seize my phone, monitor who I was speaking with and now the man is asking me for a husband and subtly sliding the fact that he would love to see my kids. I’m not even sure if I should call that an intervention because all I wanted to do after that early morning conversation was to catch up on my favourite series.
The recent birthday thing didn’t make it any easier as almost all the prayer was about meeting Mr Husband. Well, Mr Husband can you please come out now, the umpteenth prayer has been rendered for you to appear.
What I have learned Recently
In the section under work, I mentioned getting multiple job offers but one thing I would like to say that this perhaps might not have happened if it weren’t for the people who shared these opportunities with me so that I could apply, put in a good word for me and then also the God factor.
This experience has taught me so much about the people currency and how to maintain and grow it, I have also learnt how to put myself out there by speaking up (this I’m still learning to do) but my point is I was able to leverage on the people in my network, I was able to let them know that I was in need of a job and they, in turn, were able to share opportunities with me.
PS: - I became a godmother this month… the best news ever
A few photos from the last couple of months
See, it wasn’t even as voluminous as the last one…like I said, nothing much has been going on with me but if you made it this far, then at this point you might as well give me a few life updates too!!
I will be waiting in the comment section below 😉😉
Dear Self,
It’s being an awesome journey coming, I mean can you even begin to imagine.
If I had told you that the things you worried about in the past will eventually be a thing forgotten, would you have believed me?
Can you remember when you worried about getting a jelly shoe in primary school, almost all your classmates had one and you wanted one also. You didn’t eventually get one but that season passed and then you moved on to worrying about other things, like getting into the university, making sure you passed that course or found that paper, hoping that boy would notice you or just having money in your account that we see you through the day but all that has changed now because with each level of growth comes its own set of worries.
All I’m trying to tell you is that you should give yourself time, we both know that you worry too much even about things that are yet to surface and at this new stage of your life you will be having new things on your radar, things seeking your attention but you must remember to breathe.
Oluwayimika, you’re a dreamer and that in itself is not a bad thing but learn to smell the roses. I can’t tell you enough how many times you will get disappointed, get your heart broken, fall in love, get that raise, excel at something, be promoted, do something new, go on an adventure or do so many other amazing things because you yourself have had a share of these things and more but one thing I will tell you is this, give yourself time even as you go through all these different phases.
The expectations you will set for yourself as you go higher will not become lesser but rather go higher so also will be the expectations that others will place on you but you must remember that only your decisions and that of God count.
On this wonderful day of ours, I would like you to remember that you’re the Father’s daughter and that he has loved you with an everlasting love, a kind that does not finishes, that you’re made and soaked with love… So even as you enter into a place and season of abundance, I want you to remember this.
Happy Birthday Darling💓
He wrapped his arms around me as if he was holding on to me for dear life, I didn’t care much about the spooning only that I wanted to get up from the bed and leave before he wakes up. The sex was great, there was no denying the fact but that was one of the thrills that came with a one-night stand, have great sex and move on, no time for spooning. I decided to wait a while so that he could sleep more deeply before I would get up, perhaps a little cuddling wouldn’t hurt anyone.
I got up from the bed at exactly 4:30 am, this dude was probably going to sleep till 10:00 am since it was the weekend and there was no need to rush anywhere, I hurriedly wore my pants as I watched the guy sleeping peacefully on the bed through the mirror, he laid with his face down revealing his perfectly shaped butt, these days I only go to the club or lounge when I have an itch that needs to be itched, a girl gat to do what she has to and thankfully there are always guys who are ready to help with my sexual fix.
I brushed my hair still watching him, I can't even explain what came over me, I never follow one-night stand to their homes, I usually insist on hotels, hotels that were most time picked by me but somehow I have followed this guy, omo! You get mind o I said to myself, what if the guy has turned out to be a serial killer or kidnapper, Lagos was too volatile not to be careful, it came with the territory. I made a solemn promise under my breath not to be carried away by the itch to follow a stranger home next time but the question going through my mind was this guy sleeping peacefully on his bed, how can you bring a complete stranger home and after filling each other up, go to bed naked as if you’re the only one at home.
This guy was definitely not as paranoid as I was, I finished brushing my hair, grabbed the rest of my things, took one look at his room, climbed the flight of stairs down to his living room and stepped out into the cold, my uber was waiting.
The weeks following were hectic and crazy at work, my schedule didn’t give me time to mingle with guys to get to the relationship stage except for one-night pick-ups, call it what you like, this love thing wasn’t for everybody and I had quickly resigned my fate especially since I had tried my hands in the relationship department a couple of times, so instead of banging my head at a door that will not open, I chose the other route.
The summer period was fast approaching, this was one of my happiest moments in the year apart from Christmas, I and my friends would pick any of our favorite places or places we have been longing to explore and visit there during the summer. Last year we visited Medina of Marrakesh in Morocco, this year the goal was to visit Bali, we had seen a lot of pepper dem and breathtaking pictures on Instagram and we couldn’t wait to explore the city and also take pictures that will last a lifetime. Our calendars were marked and our flight was booked ahead, we had started counting down already, this break was needed and well deserved seeing how hard we worked our asses in our various professional fields.
I, Tope, Remy, and Maves chatted loudly as we chilled at the airport waiting for our flight. We had arrived early to beat the Lagos traffic so as to avoid stories that touch the heart. We sat at the lounge with our drinks and caught up on what's been going on in our lives because our busy schedules didn’t permit us to see and hang out as often as we would have loved besides money must be made at all cost.
Tope talked about work and how her parents won’t stop badgering her about getting married, there was actually a guy in the picture but Tope wasn’t too sure about his intentions and if they will even make it to the altar, so she still considered herself single when out with the girls, we had advised her to call it quit with the guy, I mean there’s no point in being with someone when you don’t know where it will lead too but her reply was always at least I get a steady carrot stick whenever the itch comes.
Remy, on the other hand, was bisexual, of course, we were the only ones that knew about it. Nigeria was not ready for sexual fluidity yet which was Remy’s thing but she was lucky on the other hand, she had the blue passport so she could always port if perhaps she found love in the hands of a woman but gosh, I will miss her if that happens, Remy knew how to light up a room and was the life of a party. While Maves & I talked about work, there was actually nothing going on in our love department except for the fact that unlike Remy, our love for the carrot was profound.
We arrived in Bali and just looking at the scenery alone swept me off my feet, this was the kind of place you come with a lover and even though the country of Indonesia might be conservative in a way, the exotic places in the city of Bali was created in a way to make the explorer enjoy their stay, every niche of this city was done to suit the needs of the different explorers visiting, whether you were an adventurer who wanted to swing between two tall trees in the desert, go bungee jumping or just lie in the sun enjoying the beautiful sceneries.
The architectural designs were also top-notch, it makes you wonder if Nigeria will ever take advantages of its beach environs thereby making it into a tourist attraction.
I’m sure the business idea of this place was made with lovers and adventurers alike in mind, I allowed my eyes to scout the area and I could see many places to have quickies and climax in the corner of my mind, I secretly grew envious of the lovers we saw around, having someone special to explore this beautiful city with is not a bad idea but at least I had my girls with me.
After the usual lounging in the sun and living for the gram, Remy had heard about a club were tourist lovers usually visit and we all knew it was time to get our freak on.
I wore a yellow dress with a low-neckline, brought out my FRO to play and paired it up with a gold sandal and dropping earrings, my girls were of course melanin dripping as we headed for the club, Remy would always say what’s the point of a vacation trip without some foreign sex.
I twirled, danced, twerked and shaked my butt till my waist and feet hurts, my girls had already found partners to mingle with for the night or perhaps for the rest of our vacation, I walked to the bar to order a drink when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulders, I turned and it was the guy I had a one-night stand with at his house, looking down at me and smiling.
I would have whatever the young lady is having he spoke to the barman.
I mean what are the odds, I returned the smile as he stretched out his hand, taking a seat for himself beside me, he said again, I didn’t catch the name the last time with a smug on his face.
I never gave out my real names whenever I went to the club with the intent of going to get the cure to the itch, I’m sure I must have given him a name that night we met but I couldn’t even remember, maybe I should give him another fake name I thought to myself but the way he was smiling expecting an answer from me I was so sure he remembered the name I mentioned the last time.
So, I blurted out I think it’s best we don’t start with names here, the last time I told you my name, I ended up in your bed, which was exciting and exhilarating he quickly added, I was thinking I would make you breakfast in the morning but you were already gone when I woke up.
I take it, you don’t do spooning? he asked.
Well, I don’t do spooning with strangers, those things stir up feelings that are just laying low, I replied. Hmm, interesting.
As he rambled on, all I could think of what were the odds of us meeting again. He clearly wanted to know all about me because he kept asking questions that I was not giving any answers too. So, I switched the topic and asked for his name which he clearly didn’t tell me, he used the excuse I gave him but then he added a clause, you can ask me any other thing though, new city, new rules.
We left the bar and walked towards the beach not far from us was a fireside that served to keep us warm and I allowed the questions to start reeling out and he answered everything not directing anything back to me. He told me he travelled to Indonesia for business and some of his business partners had mentioned this cool place and he decided to visit, he also mentioned that he wasn’t going to be in town for a long while as he had to travel to another country on business but would check back on me in Bali if I was still around.
I can’t remember falling asleep on his legs, all I know is that he woke me up that the day was beginning to break, I must have fallen asleep as he spoke with me. My hotel wasn’t too far from the club, so he drove me there and walked me to my room with a promise to check back on me but not before exchanging numbers.
Immediately, my head hit the bed I fell asleep all those talks with the drinks we had just made me want to sleep.
Around noon, I woke up to the ramblings of my friends as they shared their various escapades and adventures,
I laughed as they shared and thought to myself that it wasn’t a bad idea living vicariously through the experiences of my friends but I knew it was about to short-lived as they turned to me and asked how my night went and who I spent it with, my night wasn’t as adventurous as theirs but they listened with rapt attention, by the time I was done they all kept silent for a while and then the questions started flowing in a rush.
Are you sure is not a stalker?
What does he do?
Is he into you?
Sounds like he is into you?
Do you like him?
Are you sure it’s not the sex, that’s confusing him?
As the questions poured out, more of which I didn’t have answers to all I could hear was concern laid in their voice, these girls loved me, no doubt but for now, there was nothing to be concerned about.
Dear Singles,
I know its that time of the month where lovers won’t let you hear a word. It’s that time where everywhere you turn too something lovey-dovey is been advertised and talked about and it practically feels as if there’s no way of escape.
Chances are if you’re a commuter, the songs that will be jamming on your favourite radio channels are love songs, your favorite series too wont spare you neither will movies been released into the cinemas spare us, these people are set to put us in our feelings whether we like it or not, their major aim is to make our heart go turnioniown 😅😅😆.
Your friends too won’t make it easy either…Tobi and Folake who you think is still single and will probably be people to hang around with during this period are already making plans to go on getaway trips with boos you’re not aware off, even Deji and Biola that you think don’t have girlfriends have also chosen to do right by the girls in their lives and so are already making plans.
Well, I have come to let you know that this too shall pass 😂😀, and even though love is a beautiful thing refuse to be intimidated by all the lovey-dovey going on around.
Stay true to yourself, don’t give in to that boy advances all in the name of Valentine and Mr. man don’t let that girl sway you either, you both know you don’t like yourself that much, so please spare us the drama of listening to your sobby stories after valentine.
Remember, it is okay to take your time till it happens instead of catching feelings up and down.
And, it’s not a bad idea to splurge on yourself by taking yourself out, join a group of strangers to travel and explore a city, wining and dining in the restaurant of your choice or even buying that gift you have been eyeing for a while, you can even top it up by writing a love note to yourself, reminding yourself how awesome you are, declaring to whoever needs to know that you’re worthy of love and affection.
However, if you’re not still sold out to the idea of doing all of the above, you can as well cook jollof rice, drink coke or baileys, binge on your favourite series and sleep.
Na single you single, you no kill anybody. 😂😂😂
Image credit:- Google
Image credit:- Google
It’s almost 2 weeks into the new year and the 16th day in the month of January which means the year is still practically new and becoming so Happy New Year!
With the year breaking forth into various things and the promises of a better year ahead, I feel it is important to remind ourselves that amidst setting goals and making resolutions it is of great importance to find our niche this year in every area of our lives and grow there.
Finding your niche helps to stop the endless dilly-dallying that leads to confusion and one of the ways to finding your niche this year is to identify your passions and interests. Make a list of the things that you’re passionate about, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will find a perfect fit immediately but through perseverance, you will get there.
Here are a few prompts to help you determine what your passions and interest are:
- How do you like to spend your free time? What do you look forward to doing when you aren't doing it?
- What magazines do you subscribe to? What topics do you like to learn about most?
- What clubs or organizations do you belong to?
After, making a list of your passions and interest and have picked one or two that you will like to grow and expand another thing to do is to find a void that you will like to fill and how well you can flourish thereby making the necessary research and if peradventure this niche of yours is a business pursuit then the next thing to is to figure out how viable and profitable this niche is.
Now that you have armed yourself with all the information you need, the only thing left to do is to test your idea by launching out to do the impossible and this can be done severally till you finally get it right.
Final thoughts
Once you've confirmed the viability of your niche, start developing ways where others can benefit from it or ways in which it can be profitable to you and that might require you to either create a full-fledged website or to create a blog.
But, do keep in mind that there isn't necessarily a perfect process for finding a niche. You'll want to do your homework, but if you get stuck in the planning phase, the most important thing is to try again.
I was the eldest and I knew that someday I would have more responsibilities handed over to me. Although my father didn’t say so, it was a position I assumed at a very young age, I wanted him to know that he could depend on me and that I will be ready whenever he felt it was time to assume a position in the family business.
My younger sister Yomi wasn’t like me, she was the life of the party, whenever she stepped into a place the atmosphere changes and immediately lights up. While I sought to please the father and do his bidding, Yomi did hers and accommodated him whenever she found the time to do so.
Growing up was fun. Yomi and I would run up the flight of stairs laughing boisterously and talking, and in the evening, we go fellowshipping with the father. Our house was a place of affluence, we had servants at our beck and call, money was never an issue and we wanted for nothing.
Occasionally, I would try to do things the servants have been designated to do for us and each time the Father catches me doing them, he will say there are other things that he will rather have me do than the things I bother myself with, which have been designated to the servants because they are there to minister to my needs but I never really listened, I will always try to juggle the things that He expected of me with other things.
Yomi was nothing like me. She knew her rights as the Father’s daughter and knew how to utilize it. The servants were always ready to minister to her needs, as she would often tell me whenever I’m trying to go over and beyond, “Wura, the Father says the servants have been placed as ministering spirits to minister to our needs” let them do what they have been placed to do.
As long as the Father provided (of which, we never ran out of provision), Yomi was going to make full use of the provision as long as it was available, however, she pleases, but that didn’t continue like that because Yomi decided she wanted to try her hands on other things…
I was 21 and had just graduated Top of my class from Harvard Business School and was just settling back into the country when everything began to spiral down quickly. Yomi walked into the living room while the Father tried to fill me in on what’s been going on in the family business when she outrightly asked for her own share of the inheritance.
I was mortified, how could you ask for your inheritance from a man who is still alive? I asked her as I followed her into the room, every form of advice I had to give fell on deaf ears neither was she ready to reason with me, her mind was made up and that was final, and since I knew daddy was definitely going to be giving her, her share of the inheritance.
It’s been 8 years since we heard from Yomi after she requested for her share of the family inheritance, got it and left the house but I followed her on the gram and got a glimpse into all her adventures and escapades, and then gradually there was a decline in her post until there was none and then all her social media account were deleted like she no longer existed. Somedays, I hoped she was not just spending all her inheritance on adventures but truly hoped she had the common sense to save and invest in something worthwhile.
However, while Yomi lived her life, I climbed to the pinnacle of success in the family’s business, working tirelessly to eventually becoming the second-in-command in the chain of business. My work rate had earned me the workaholic title from my parents. Sometimes, I wonder why I never took days off work or even embark on vacations, I have been busy with the family business that my communication with the father began to drop, we never saw each other as often as we use to even though we lived in the same house.
One evening on my way back from work, I noticed that there was a huge fanfare going on at home, the house was boisterous, the music was loud, the servants were up and about like they were preparing a feast worthy of a king. I got down from my car and beckoned to one of the servants to inquire what was going on and his response was “The one who was long gone is back”, still it didn’t make much sense to me till I stepped into the house where I met my younger sister looking haggard and tired in the arms of the Father narrating her ordeal as everyone gathered to listen with interest.
The scene playing before me felt like what you see when kids gather to watch “Tales by Moonlight”.
Her ordeals were of course gory but it didn’t start out being gory, she first had the time of her life, travelling to different countries and partying with both strangers and acquaintances before she was duped at several points while trying to invest in businesses she didn’t bother to make findings about which all turned out to be Ponzi, and then her money ran out with no other way to survive, she started pushing dustbin and even at that she could barely survive until the day she had an epiphany that even the servants in her Father’s house do not pick from hills of dung before they can survive and then she remembered the father’s constant words to both of us ‘’No good thing will I withhold from you”.
I watched with disdain as she poured out her story, it was not that I hated my sister because I didn’t but I have been with this man every single day, serving, proving myself time and again and yet he had the guts to throw a party for someone who demanded for her inheritance and squandered it, what significant thing has she done that deserves her having the father’s attention like that, I was filled with rage.
But here she was, pouring out her story and asking for forgiveness because she knew that no matter what she might have done, he would forgive her and welcome her home.
I knew I had finally had enough of whatever she was selling, so I slammed the door to announce my presence making everyone to react to the sound and then I ran up the flight of stairs to my room.
The Father: -
With tears in my eyes, while still holding on to the daughter who had just returned, I watched Wura run up the flight of stairs in tears. All I ever wanted was for her to know that I have loved her with an everlasting love that cannot be shaken but for some reasons, she kept thinking that her works will make me love her more, that her continuous work will always keep her in my good graces.
I mean, how do you explain to a child that it doesn’t matter what they could have done or didn’t do you would always love them forever.
I believe that was the difference between Yomi and Wura, Yomi knows that if there’s anything constant about the Father that it will be the Father’s love and that no matter how much she might falter the Father will always show up for her but will now have to learn discipline and balance, while for some reasons, Wura had held on to the notion that she needed to work for everything to be deserving of the Father’s love and attention so as to always be in his good graces.
The Father’s Love: -
I knocked slightly on her door but I could hear her sobbing heavily, I walked in, sat on her bed, gathered her in my arms and allowed her to sob completely in my bosom. After sometime she pulled herself up and a rush of questions came tumbling amidst fresh tears,
Father, why do you love me less?
Why is it that everything I have done was never enough?
I have been here with you, working tirelessly and producing results, how come you never throw me a party?
Am I such a bad daughter not worth celebrating?
Listening to her as the questions flowed out of her mouth broke my heart into a million pieces… I stretched out my hand to her calling her name so she could focus on me and then told her
“I love you Wuraola, I loved you before I met you, before you were formed or had any thought process I loved you, I love you not because of the work you do at the family business and even if you choose to be lazy in your duties despite knowing that I frown at laziness, I won't love you less. I have loved you and will continually love with an eternal love”.
I would like if this becomes your motto now going forward, having the surety that I will always love you and I see all the work you do, all the effort you put into it and all the amazing results it has yielded and I couldn’t be more proud of you.
However, I think that’s its also right to celebrate your sister who was once lost but has now been found, someone whose disappearance felt like she dropped from the surface of the earth but now home hale and hearty.
Don’t you think that alone calls for a celebration, Wura? I think so too.
I believe it’s going to be a good celebration tonight because I did not just gain my lost daughter back, I was also able to tell my other daughter how much I love her and how much she means to me.
Image credit:- Google
Hey Guys! A couple of weeks back I was pondering on ways to continually create content for my blog alongside the stories and articles I have written in the past and I think I finally came up with something. This is a quarterly article called ‘’Life Lately”, and it is about everything I have been up to in the past 3 months.
Don’t worry there will still be more creative stories and articles.
So here we go…
Whoever said writers should always have a pen and paper or something to scribble on at all times because you never know when the idea will come wasn’t joking, I mean, if only you guys could see my journal and how I have scribbled various things here and there 😀😀 all in a bit not to forget an idea or something that clicked.
However, since there are a bunch of things I will like to cover in this post I will like to quickly list them out in the order that they will be appearing before we dive into them: -
I remember seeing a post on Instagram this year where someone said “For those of us who thought Love would happen this year well you can try again next year” and I remember smiling most importantly because I was on this table that they were shaking. If I had a dollar for every time marriage or relationship has come up this year then I should definitely be smiling to the bank.
I can’t count the number of times friends and family have asked me “So who is the lucky boy? Or when are we coming to eat your rice?’’ I have even had friends who semi fought with me because Yinka was not dating anyone and made it seem like I was the problem…
Well, Dear Friends, Family and Extended Family 😊😉, Let God use you like he used the person that introduced Meghan Markle and Prince Harry or use you like the person who introduced Nicholas Young and Racheal Chu together (You will have to read “Crazy Rich Asians not the movie o but the book to understand what I mean) for me but till when that happen can we just trust the process and support my other causes like my career, spiritual growth and my blog.
The thing is this thing called “Relationship” almost happened this year on different occasions but they were with the wrong set of people, I should tell you about each and every one of them but I wouldn’t want to go into their gory details but I have learnt a very long time ago to walk away from things not meant for me even if they are clothed in packages that indirectly have my name on it.
With that being said, I have developed friendships with people who have taught me in many ways than one that what I want is attainable. Their lives, relationships and even how they have been able to grow their career has opened my eyes to the many possibilities that abound which has continuously taught me to surround myself with good stories.
I knew it was time to do something that will strategically move me forward in my career and so when I saw the opportunity I resigned from my job and applied to be a certified digital marketer that in a training that was organized by Digify Africa and supported by Facebook. This training came with the opportunity to be placed in digital and creative agencies after the two-month training for internships.
This was definitely one of the scariest decisions I made this year as it gave me a lot of anxiety and panic attacks, leaving the certainty of a paid job to the uncertainty of a training where I was not going to be paid, leaving the future with gaps to be filled. I remember having a senior friend ask me if this was something I wanted to pursue.
The training was rigorous, intensive and enlightening and was definitely worth it. It opened me up to various opportunities and also exposed to areas that I would like to pursue career-wise. My new place of work is a complete breath of fresh air and I’m loving every aspect of it.
I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the training propelled me into what I would like to be doing for the rest of my life which is producing content.
My relationship with God this year has been on a continuous increase. I consider myself a member of the Pastor Joseph Prince and Steven Furtick church, these men of God have increasingly added to my growth and relationship with God as I have consumed their messages on a weekly basis and also with the help of my local church I have been able to flourish on all side.
The conversation I get to have with the Holy Spirit, the way I yield to him even in difficult times, learning to trust him in situations that look hopeless and how he has constantly filled my mouth with praises and worship on days I couldn’t find the words has been beyond amazing. The constant knowing that He is ever so present, increasing my capacity and meeting all my needs in ways un-imaginable can only be the work of the Good, Good Father.
An even as I press forward in this journey called life, the goal is that Christ will be seen and expressed in all I do. #WeMove 💪💪
The goal is to have a flat tummy, firm arms, buttocks and thighs and be able to maintain a body size and shape that fits my frame but a lot of things won’t make me be fit in peace 😁😂, like I recently told my mum when I wanted to eat a snack one late night, “It’s stomach I have, I didn’t kill somebody this flat tummy journey will resume the next day” 😊😀 and then she just started laughing that I was not serious.
I have plans anyway to get a tummy blast from LIN seeing that I have not received the grace yet to go on morning or night run but I’m walking long distances so that should at least count for something.😉😉
What I have Learnt Recently
Lastly, one of the biggest truths I have just recently learned is having an attitude of thanksgiving. I noticed that thanking God for my needs and expectations even when he is yet to do them caused me to stop worrying. This has been a continuous effort on my part as I have learnt to catch myself in between worrying about a problem and asking God when he will do it which has led me to spiral into being feeling depressed and just thank him for doing it.
This attitude of thanksgiving as caused me to worry less leaving me happier and free.
A few Android pictures from the last couple
of months
In Church on a Sunday, after the service. |
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At the Piggybank end of the year customer appreciation fest. |
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Porkoyum Food Festival |
Chilling with the Programme Director of Digify Africa for Nigeria. |
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Graduation ceremony with friends at Digify Africa. |
Tour with the Digify Africa team to X3M ideas |
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Goofing around |
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Phew, that was a lot! If you have made it this far, then at this point you might as well give me a few life updates too!
Let me know in a comment below.😉😉

The moment I laid my eyes on him, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I was working with my colleagues when he walked in. He was casually dressed, tall, with skin as dark as chocolate and handsome with eyes that lit up the room whenever he smiled.
I raised my head just in time to notice him as he walked into the room. He was engrossed in a conversation with my boss, you could tell that the nature of their discussions was light because they shared some laughs as they talked. He looked free like he was in his zone and was quite oblivious of his surroundings even as he looked around - I would like to think he noticed me while he glanced around. ( Don't be a hater, a girl can always dream)😜😝
As I worked with my colleagues, I silently stole glances at him as he walked his around the room handling his business like a boss with the guys he came with while he conversed further with my boos.
I would later have a session with him as I was notified by my boss that I & my teammates will be working with him. He spoke to the team about what would be expected of us and even as he spoke I could feel his eyes on me. His gaze burned directly at me making it feel as if we were the only two in the room, there and then I silently sent a quick prayer to God that we would see again.
I told God everything I could imagine about him, how I found him attractive and how I wanted him to be attractive to me and a few things that included what I couldn't wait to do to him... Okay, Okay you got me, I didn't tell God the last part. I mean, who tells God about wanting to kiss a guy you might never meet and then after talking with God, I went to stalk him on social media.
These days you need to backup your crush or feelings with a social media audit, you cannot afford to put it to waste and be crushing on someone who is already hooked especially if you're not planning to be the side chick.
The answer to my prayer came a few weeks later, my boss had informed my team that she would want us to have another session with him because she wanted us to put finishing touches on our previous work. I took my time dressing up that morning, I knew he was coming and I wanted him to notice me. I wore a black skirt that accentuated my curves and showed some skin and paired it up with a nice shirt, but I think I messed up everything somewhere around (I think that's what you get when you go out of your way to overly impress someone)😑
It was 12 noon, I remember because I had just recently raised my head from my system to take a quick break and was going back to my work wondering if this crush of mine will still show up when all of a sudden there was an uproar in the building. I lifted up my head from my system and there he was in all his glory, standing tall, looking ravishing more than ever like he had just stepped out from a chocolate dip and ready to be licked😋😋 and right before we got to the business of the day, I sent a quick mumbled prayer to God, please let this man talk to me personally🙏.
The work was fast and quick, and we did get to talk at some point but not personally. It was 3pm when his team went on break and said we should reconvene in 30 minutes time. I was working on my system on some other work-related assignments when I noticed that someone pulled up a chair beside me.
Hi, your name is Lamide, right? he said stretching his hand out for a handshake, his hands were broad and strong with nicely manicured nails while his grip was firm like he was holding on and didn't want to let go
I answered, Yes.
He smiled, introduced himself as Damola and then we talked a bit about ''work" just the two of us. It's my best mini break conversation till date.
OMG! He had the perfect set of teeth I had ever seen, and the cutest set of kissable lips, his bodily scent, was a mixture of exotic and spicy mixed with a little bit of coffee and clean cotton. As we talked he gesticulated with his hands as our skin slightly graced each other
After the break, time went by so fast as we worked but I noticed he was stealing glances at me and of course I stole glances too, my second prayer about this crush of mine has been answered, call it coincidence or luck I didn't care I was basking in the euphoria of the moment.
At the close of business that day, I summoned up courage and we talked about some minor things that led us to follow each other on Instagram.
Anyway, it's been a week since I last saw him and I have no idea if I will see him again. The closest we ever got to know each other was the brief conversation we had and that was me shooting my shot in the best possible way I knew. Who knows maybe he will do the Banky W thing and slide into my DM (If that ever happens, I promise to keep you updated).
All in all, it was good to have a crush on someone new... This feeling would probably disappear in the next couple of days or probably linger till someone new comes along or better still he slides into my dm and we take it to the next level 😉.
Image Credit:- Google
Image Credit:- Google
It was the usual medical check-up that was done for freshers at the university. The queue was long, the crowd was crazy and I was tired and worn but I was determined I wasn’t going to leave and come back the next day, I had been doing that for 3-days in a row and it wasn’t yet my turn. Suddenly, my name was called Adebamz, I jumped and shouted, I’m here! I’m here! She looked towards me and told me to come in.
It was an eye and breast examination. The eye examination went well and was quite straight to the point and then I was directed to see the doctor that would examine my breast. I was told to lie down while she pressed my breast looking for lumps going further to check under the armpit. After the examination, she asked me if I had started my period but I answered the question thinking she asked me if I was presently on my period because I was on my period as at the time. She further explained to me that most times when women are on their period they would normally have a lump in their breast and that after the period the lump disappears.
However, after a couple of months, I had noticed a change in my right breast, something was protruding out of my skin like it wanted to come out. It moved around in my breast, had a pointed look and was hard, very hard but I didn’t quite pay much attention to it, the word ‘’Lumps’’, ‘’Breast Cancer’’ was just beginning to gain more ground at the time and so I was not too familiar with what was happening in my body. On days when I decided to pay full attention to my body, I would wonder what was growing in my breast and then I would say a short prayer over my breast, anoint it with oil and go about my daily activities.
One evening during the summer holiday I sat across from my sister watching a program on TV where the lady was talking about breast cancer, the dangers and how women have to be more observant when it comes to their bodies, the presenter kept asking the doctor who had been invited for the program series of questions and the various stages leading up to breast cancer and then I remember blurting out as we watched the show ‘’I have lump in my breast” and it was if time stood still. My mum was informed of the news and then an appointment was scheduled with the doctor.
The examination was rigorous and draining. I had to see a couple of doctors and some specialist before a final diagnosis was concluded. The final result was that I had lumps in both breasts and it was good that they caught it fast but I would need to undergo a lumpectomy.
The days leading up to the operation were a bit scary. All of the gory stories I had heard about operations came to mind. The operation wasn’t a long one only that I was awake during the whole process, the lumps were removed and while I was being sewn back I started to feel the pain, the medication that I was given at the start of the operation to numb the pain was beginning to wear off even while still under the knife but it all panned out in the end.
Its been 8 years since I had a lumpectomy and I can still remember all of the experiences vividly and all the things I went through. I still go for check-ups and I have also learnt to check my breast by myself. My lumps weren't cancerous but now I'm more aware of changes to my breasts and body in general. I believe every woman should learn and know how to touch themselves to check for lumps in their breasts.
Early detection is key. And it's paramount that every woman is familiar with how their breast looks and feel so you can know when any changes occur. Keep in mind that most women have some lumps or lumpy areas in their breasts all the time, and most breast lumps turn out not to be cancerous.
How to do a breast self-exam: The five steps
- Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and colour
- Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling
- Dimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin
- A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed inward instead of sticking out)
- Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling
Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.
Here's what you should look for:
If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor's attention:
Step 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes.
Step 3: While you're at the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out of one or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).
Step 4: Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a circular motion, about the size of a quarter.
Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side — from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.
Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the whole breast. You can begin at the nipple, moving in larger and larger circles until you reach the outer edge of the breast. You can also move your fingers up and down vertically, in rows, as if you were mowing a lawn. This up-and-down approach seems to work best for most women. Be sure to feel all the tissue from the front to the back of your breasts: for the skin and tissue just beneath, use light pressure; use medium pressure for tissue in the middle of your breasts; use firm pressure for the deep tissue in the back. When you've reached the deep tissue, you should be able to feel down to your ribcage.
Step 5: Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery, so they like to do this step in the shower. Cover your entire breast, using the same hand movements described in step 4.
Therefore, In honour of the fact that we're in the breast cancer awareness month, make a pledge to touch yourself for your breast health. Share this message with the Men and Women in your lives, ask them '' When was the last time they checked their breasts?
Don't forget to share your experiences with me or leave your thoughts with me after reading, I can't wait to hear from you.
Image credit:- Google