Everyday, they churn out vacancies, asking us to apply.
We hear that jobs are available, Only apply, we are told.
They tell us the jobs are based on merit and so candidates will be selected on their performance; they
You will get the job as long as you check all the boxes, so fret not, they chorus.
Well here's my reply to you,
Dear Recruiter,
I applied for the job and eventually had a phone interview with you which was successful because I
received an email two days later that I have succeeded and now moving on to the next stage but that
was a years ago and the last time I heard from you.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I applied for the Job and I got call in for the interview. I succeeded but you told me that the person I
would work with is presently not in the country but that you would send a mail to let me know when
to resume. I was happy that I got the job because you told me I would hear from you in the next two
weeks, but I didn't. So I paid you a courtesy visit after 3 weeks to remind you but you assured me that
I would still get called that the person is still not yet back due to a family issue but its been 3 months
now, still no word.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I saw the advertisement you placed requesting that people send in their resume. You received mine
because I got invited for a test, then an interview and funny enough I got called for my medicals but
that was the last time I heard from you. Its been 2 years now.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I came in for the interview even before business began for the day. I dressed smart for the occasion, I
made sure my 'I' were dotted and my 't's' crossed yet I didn't get the Job.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I sent in my resume, following all the guidelines you highlighted. I patterned my resume according to
the standard you laid out and I still didn't get the job.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I saw the advertisement placed requesting that interested candidates should send in their CV, of
which I did. Six candidates were shortlisted after the test. You said you will get back to us.
We never heard from you.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I came in for the job fair just as your invite stated. I made it in time and listened attentively, you
mentioned that there was going to be job interviews at the end of the fair. I reconstructed my CV just
as you suggested. I excelled at the interview because you told me so and I still didn't get the job.
I really wanted that Job!
Dear Recruiter,
I got your invitation for a chat - You said I should come in so we could talk about the Job. I did, but
while discussing you also mentioned that I would need to pay an amount of money before I can be
considered for the position and that was the end of the discuss.
I really wanted that Job!
I really would love if you can take a chance on me so I can be removed from the unemployment
statistics rate and be gainfully employed but recruiters keep making it so difficult and this is me
venting and pleading...
Prove to me that you really want to give me that Job!