Dear Singles,
I know its that time of the month where lovers won’t let you hear a word. It’s that time where everywhere you turn too something lovey-dovey is been advertised and talked about and it practically feels as if there’s no way of escape.
Chances are if you’re a commuter, the songs that will be jamming on your favourite radio channels are love songs, your favorite series too wont spare you neither will movies been released into the cinemas spare us, these people are set to put us in our feelings whether we like it or not, their major aim is to make our heart go turnioniown 😅😅😆.
Your friends too won’t make it easy either…Tobi and Folake who you think is still single and will probably be people to hang around with during this period are already making plans to go on getaway trips with boos you’re not aware off, even Deji and Biola that you think don’t have girlfriends have also chosen to do right by the girls in their lives and so are already making plans.
Well, I have come to let you know that this too shall pass 😂😀, and even though love is a beautiful thing refuse to be intimidated by all the lovey-dovey going on around.
Stay true to yourself, don’t give in to that boy advances all in the name of Valentine and Mr. man don’t let that girl sway you either, you both know you don’t like yourself that much, so please spare us the drama of listening to your sobby stories after valentine.
Remember, it is okay to take your time till it happens instead of catching feelings up and down.
And, it’s not a bad idea to splurge on yourself by taking yourself out, join a group of strangers to travel and explore a city, wining and dining in the restaurant of your choice or even buying that gift you have been eyeing for a while, you can even top it up by writing a love note to yourself, reminding yourself how awesome you are, declaring to whoever needs to know that you’re worthy of love and affection.
However, if you’re not still sold out to the idea of doing all of the above, you can as well cook jollof rice, drink coke or baileys, binge on your favourite series and sleep.
Na single you single, you no kill anybody. 😂😂😂
Image credit:- Google
Image credit:- Google